No pooping in the flowers

Friday, July 18, 2008 // by Lyrad // Labels: // 0 comments
1. When your dog needs to go potty, take him out, and go with him.

2. If you see him head for the garden, use a firm and firm "NO!" Don't keep repeating it as you will only agitate or confuse your dog.

3. If your dog doesn't obey, simply walk over to him and guide him to the place you want him to go.

4. Say "Go potty!". THIS is not a yell command. Say it in a friendly but firm tone so he knows it's business time. When he goes there, give him a treat (if you have one) and give him lots of praise and hugs.

5. If you continue to do this, eventually your dog will do what you desire without you having to tell him.

6. When this happens (he heads to the right spot on his own) give him a treat to help reinforce his action, but then slowly ween him off the treats until he does it without reward (praise is always welcome!).

7. After a week of going without reminder, you can pat yourself on the back.

