Part time dog ownership hits snag

Friday, July 11, 2008 // by Lyrad // Labels: , // 0 comments
Too busy for a dog but missing that canine connection? Living in a pet-free apartment building or lacking the space needed to house a pooch pal? Well FlexPetz was thinking of you when they created their company, offering shared dog ownership for a membership fee.

"The concept of FlexPetz originated with a group of dogs lovers who sadly accepted that they could not provide a dog with the full-time care and attention that goes along with responsible dog ownership, their website says. "What they all had in common was a wish to spend time with a dog, and so FLEXPETZ was born!"

It's not cheap. There's the $100 initiation fee, a $150 in home inspection fee (which does include a training session) plus a $45 per day charge for a minimum of four days per month.

Not everyone is sold on the idea.

"This promotes dogs as disposable items," argued Bryn Conklin, from the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

"Dogs need stability in their lives, they need a long-term commitment, and they need a secure environment," added Ray McSoley, a local trainer who called the company a 'four-legged escort service.'

"It's incredibly disrespectful to the dog, and it's also disrespectful to the renter because it devolves the purpose of having a dog in your life. There is no commitment there."

The company is already located in New York and Los Angeles. However, plans to locate in Boston currently face cosniderable opposition with city officials considering a ban on puppy renting.

see also:
"Ban proposed for dog rental service in Boston" -
The Boston Globe
"City May Muzzle Dog Rental Businesses" -
Fox 12
"Did FlexPetz Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?" -

